Ok, with the end of Season 1, I think we can see the next wave suiting up.
When Brother Day killed all of Azura's friends and family within a degree of separation, he basically indicated a Stalinistic move, which only a sadistic leader would pull, given the fact that those other thousand and a half have nothing to do with Azura's conspiracy. I mean most monarchs could get vicious but that's a bit over the top, even for let's say Ivan the Terrible. Realize, the nuclear strikes on Anacreon & Thespa, by Dusk, were based upon a notion some cabals on those worlds were hiding the culprits of the terrorist strike and so he treated all parties as complicit. Sure, sinister, but still understandable from that totalitarian p.o.v. govt.
But before Cleon could go all the way to the level of Comrade Stalin, the last element of compassion, his fawning over the flawed Dawn, was taken away when Ito pulled the fatal blow on Dawn and when the shadow master revealed that the DNA damage permeated to all the Cleons. That's when Day lost it and became a complete sociopath, taking the path of the individualistic demagogue.
In the future, the Foundation now fused with the Outer Planets will launch a coup de etat against Emperor Stalin and thus, set up the next crisis which could likely be the rise of the Mule.
And I'm sure that conundrum there will be if he/she is related to Salvor/Gaal or Stalin.